Voter FAQ
Q: How do I know if I am eligible to vote?
A: You can vote if you are at least 17 and will be 18 on or before November 2nd, 2021; are a United States citizen and a resident of a town in Connecticut (yes, even if you are experiencing homelessness!); and if you have completed confinement for any felony conviction (yes, including if you are on parole or probation!)
Q: What if I’m not registered, or unsure if or where I’m registered to vote?
A: If you have not registered to vote yet, you can register to vote in person on Election Day! You can request a same-day registration to vote in the town where you are currently staying, or a town that you have stayed in or intend to return to. Click here to find your Election Day Registration location.
If you don’t know if/where you are currently registered to vote, click here to find out your registration status at the Connecticut Voter Registration Lookup.
Q: Where or when do I vote?
Voting locations in Connecticut open at 6:00 AM on November 2nd, 2021, and close at 8:00 PM that day. Remember – even if you are still standing in line at 8:00 PM, you can still vote!
Q: Do I have the right personal identification to register and vote?
A: You don’t need an ID card to vote. Any document that shows your name and address, your name and signature, or your name and photograph, is sufficient to register and vote on Election Day. You can request the option to vote by affidavit if you know you are already registered.
Q: What if I need disability access to the voting location or the voting machines?
A: When you arrive at the voting location, you can ask the poll workers for disability accommodations! Your voting location must provide seating and hold your place in line, or move you to the front of the line, if you cannot stand while waiting to vote. You may request a sample ballot, instructions on how to use accessible voting machines, and the option to use curbside voting in the event of temporary incapacitation.
You have right to an accessible ballot marking device with a customizable display if you need physical, sensory, cognitive, language or literacy accommodations, which allows you to mark your ballot audibly or by using the touch screen. Poll workers must give you assistance using an accessible machine but may not interfere with your privacy in voting.
For questions regarding disability voting access, call (860) 509-6100. To register a complaint regarding disability access, visit Connecticut’s State Elections Enforcement Commission at or the United States Department of Justice at You can also contact our office and Disability Rights Connecticut at