Establishing a Right to Housing

To end homelessness in Connecticut, we need to establish a Right to Housing. 

A Right to Housing is grounded in the simple, fundamental idea that everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity or background, has an innate right to a safe and stable home.

Updates for S.B. 194

On 5/20, the Senate passed SB 194, 25-10. As the bill heads to the House, we encourage you reach out to your representatives to ensure that a Right to Housing makes it to the desk of Governor Lamont!

While the bill does not include the position of a housing advocate, it does require the state to implement policies that will fulfill a right to affordable, decent, safe, and stable housing for every CT resident. In addition, the legislature must establish a Right to Housing Committee that will be responsible for reviewing existing and proposed housing policies. This committee will advise on the state’s implementation of a right to housing; and identify the gaps and needs of vulnerable populations with regards to their access to permanent housing.

The passage of SB 194 comes at a time when thousands of people are one month away from facing eviction, and those currently experiencing homelessness are still in need of permanent housing. Help us to ensure that SB 194 makes it across the finish line.

S.B. 194, An Act Establishing a Right to Housing

This bill progressively implements the right to housing in Connecticut and encourages creativity and innovation at the state and municipal level to end homelessness and advocate for affordable housing.

Click the links below to learn more about the content of the bills.

What is a Right to Housing?

How Can I Be Involved?

For more information contact Sarah Fox at