The 100-Day Hartford Housing Challenge Begins!
Today marks the beginning of the 100-day Hartford Housing Challenge. Starting today, the seven selected Hartford Shelters who have been participating in the Emergency Shelter Learning Collaborative, will be challenged to meet their goals of housing a total of 265 households by Thanksgiving Day. The Hartford Shelters’ overall goal is to increase the number of households exiting to permanent housing. This lofty Challenge goal is nearly double their numbers housed in the previous three months. The National Alliance to End Homelessness finds that when shelters set “bold” goals, they are likely to surpass a more modest goal when they set the bar high to begin with. Some ideas of how the shelters plan to accomplish these numbers include refocusing their job descriptions (and titles), mission statements, policies, messaging, leveraging resources and partnerships, and getting their leadership on board for the Challenge. The shelters have been shifting practices and policies to become more housing focused and low barrier, and these shifts will contribute to their success during this 100-day challenge.
We are so proud of the significant progress these shelters have made thus far and will be rooting for their success in meeting their Hartford Housing Challenge goals! We also thank NAEH for their leadership in the Emergency Shelter Learning Collaborative. #ShiftHappensHartford #HartfordHousingChallenge