13th Annual Training Institute: It Takes A Village Conference
In 2015, CCEH’s Annual Training Institute (ATI) will feature a special conference within a conference focusing on the unique needs of Connecticut’s homeless children and youth. The event brings together for the first time educators, youth serving organization staff, and homeless services providers to learn about the needs of this vulnerable population. The ATI will provide an opportunity for providers to share important new information gathered during Connecticut’s first-ever statewide Homeless Youth Count, which CCEH and our community partners are conducting in January and February 2015 and to hear about best practices in serving these youth.
The event will open with a morning keynote session focused homeless youth. Hear from Darla Bardine, executive director of National Network for Youth, an expert on youth homelessness. She will provide a national perspective on this issue – what is happening at the federal level around research, policy and funding aimed at ensuring the needs of homeless youth are met.
A special track of three workshop sessions will then focus on the statewide and local levels. Here about CT’s own research on runaway and homeless youth, legal rights and protections, and the educational and community resources available to help them.
Who should attend the ATI’s conference within a conference?
- Teachers
- Guidance counselors and school psychologists
- McKinney-Vento liaisons
- Administrators and district personnel
- Youth service bureau staff
Registration is free and includes continental breakfast and lunch, all conference sessions and materials, and networking reception with cash bar following the event.