Jeanne Milstein
Director of Human Services
City of New London
New London, CT
Jeanne Milstein has a long and distinguished career in public service to children and families in the state of Connecticut and more recently, New York State. She is guided by the adage, “if you aren’t outraged, you aren’t paying attention.” Jeanne is currently the Director for Human Services in the City of New London. Prior to this position, Jeanne was Director of Special Projects and Staff Researcher at the Tow Youth Justice Institute, University of New Haven.
She served as Connecticut’s Child Advocate from 2000 until 2012, an independent state agency responsible for overseeing the care and protection of children. The Office of the Child Advocate is often referred to as the “watchdog agency” for children. Jeanne has led efforts to reform the foster care, juvenile justice and mental health systems for children and youth. She has diligently guided and steered initiatives to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in those systems as well.
In addition, Jeanne served as the Deputy Commissioner of Strategic Planning and Policy Development for the Office of Children and Family Services in New York State.
She began her career as a VISTA volunteer immediately after graduating from Cornell University in 1977. Jeanne has also served as the Director of Government and Community Relations at the Department of Children and Families; Legislative Director at the Connecticut Commission on Children; Director of Government Relations at the Permanent Commission on the Status of Women; and Director of the Women’s Center of Southeastern Connecticut.
Jeanne has dedicated her career to improving the lives of our most vulnerable citizens.
Carol Jones
Director, Medical Case Management
Project Manager
New London, CT
Carol Jones is the Director of Medical Case Management at Alliance for Living and the Project Manager for NLCARES. Carol has been with AFL for over 20 years and has been involved with the Opioid Task Group in New London since its beginnings two years ago. Carol is a woman with 29 years in remission from opioid dependency and has focused her energies and passion toward working in the field of HIV/AIDS as well as reducing stigma amongst individuals living with substance use disorders. Carol is committed to social justice and inclusion for all marginalized populations.
Jennifer Muggeo
Supervisor, Administration, Finance and Special Projects
Ledge light Health District
New London, CT
Jennifer Muggeo is Supervisor of Special Projects at the Ledge Light Health District. With Jeanne Milstein, she leads the New London Opioid Task Group, which won a demonstration grant from the University of Baltimore to pilot “Coordinated Access” to treatment and recovery resources. With a background in financial management, technology and administrative systems, Jennifer Muggeo always pushed boundaries to become involved in different operational aspects of the workplace. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Albany. Her career track brought her to Connecticut and her present position at Ledge Light Health District where, she says, she has “learned about public health and racial and ethnic health inequities.”
Shawn Lang
Deputy Director
AIDS Connecticut (ACT)
Hartford, CT
860-247-AIDS x319
Shawn M. Lang is the Deputy Director with AIDS Connecticut (ACT). With the organization since 1991, she oversees ACT’s Care and Treatment programs; Prevention, including Syringe Access and naloxone distribution; and provides a variety of trainings and presentations. She coordinates CT’s HIV/AIDS public policy activities on the state and federal levels. Since 1995, Shawn has served on the board of the National AIDS Housing Coalition, serving as past-President and currently as co-chair of the Advocacy Committee. She is on the Community Advisory Board of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS at Yale, and was recently appointed to the CT Alcohol and Drug Policy Council. In 2013, she convened and chairs CT’s Statewide Opiate Overdose Prevention Workgroup which has engaged in an extensive advocacy campaign to increase awareness about, and access to naloxone, a lifesaving medication that reverses opiate overdoses. In 2016, out of a field of 900 nominees nationwide, Shawn was nominated by Governor Dannel P. Malloy, and chosen as a one of ten White House Champions of Change for Advancing Prevention, Treatment and Recovery. She has been a longstanding activist on issues impacting battered women; LGBT communities; homelessness; and HIV/AIDS. She lives in Hartford with her 19 year old son.