The Municipal Homelessness Prevention Lead is a role designated for a municipal employee, elected leader, or select individual who will be the key liaison between homeless services and your municipality. The responsibilities for this position include creating a town-wide municipal task force and serving as a leader in your community’s overall homelessness response.

The Municipal Homelessness Prevention Lead can be a municipal employee, elected leader, or selected individual with town affiliation, and ideally should be a member of your sustainability team or meet with the sustainability team annually. The town should register the contact person using the form below and keep the contact current with CCEH by submitting a new form if the Lead Contact changes.

Responsibilities of the position are as follows:
• Leading and organizing community conversations about homelessness according to guidelines in Sustainable CT action 12.1
• Regularly convene Municipal Town-Wide Task Force including key players involved in preventing and ending homelessness in your community according to Sustainable CT action 12.2
• Liaise with your municipality’s Homeless Data Collection Lead to ensure that town is keeping information about people experiencing homelessness in town up-to-date according to Sustainable CT action 12.3
• Serve as the municipality’s liaison to the region’s Coordinated Access Network according to Sustainable CT action 12.4
• Actively participate in mobilizing resources towards homelessness prevention efforts according to Sustainable CT action 12.5
• Lead efforts to decriminalize homelessness and connect with statewide systems addressing homelessness according to Sustainable CT action 12.6

For more information about this position, contact Carl Asikainen at

  • Contact Information

  • Do you serve on any Commissions or Committees in an official or unofficial capacity? Please describe.
  • Sustainable CT Information

  • To received additional points for Sustainable CT certification, the Municipal Homelessness Prevention Lead must attend trainings. Please sign up for the CCEH newsletter and training announcements.