The Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness, in partnership with members and communities throughout the state, creates change through leadership, advocacy, and building the capacity of members and the field to respond to environmental challenges. Our collective mission is to prevent and end homelessness in Connecticut.

Faith-based communities play an important role in our coalition’s work and we would love to have your congregation get involved. Here are some ways that you and your community can join in with our efforts:


Help us spread the word about 2-1-1, the United Way of Connecticut’s one-stop connection to services for those experiencing homelessness. 211 is the front door for our shelter system so a call to their operators is an important first step to getting your community members the help they need. We also have talking points for you to use during a service or information session if you’d like to educate your members about homelessness in our state and CCEH’s work to end it.


Sign up to participate in the annual Point-in-Time Count and Youth Count which take place each year around the state in January. These counts represent our state’s annual census of the homeless population and provide valuable information to guide our efforts to end homelessness. This is a great way for teenagers and young adults to get involved.

Involve your kids.

Have the youngest members of your congregation get involved in the be homeful project, CCEH’s campaign to engage kids, families, and communities in ending homelessness before it begins for local families here in Connecticut. Visit to learn more about how kids can be leaders in educating their peers and taking action to help.


Join our mailing list to sign up for Action Alerts and learn how your congregation can influence change in your community.

Hold a drive.

We love it when congregations hold drives! You can raise to support CCEH’s efforts or hold a special “bear-raiser” to raise funds to help a local family remain housed.


Each town in our state is part of one of eight Coordinated Access Networks that serve as regional crisis response systems. Let us know if you want us to connect you with your local Coordinated Access Network.

Become a member.

Add your name to the list of organizations and congregations committed to ending homelessness in our home-state. Visit to learn more about membership and join. Members pay annual dues of $225 or set up recurring contributions of $20/month.


Contact Ryan Beach at (860) 721-7876 x 107 or to discuss how your congregation can be a force in ending homelessness in our state.