Engaging Partners to End Homelessness
This track will focus on how we can engage with our partners to work towards ending homelessness.
Workshop A:
Working with the Justice System to End Homelessness
Homelessness is intimately linked with the criminal justice system. This workshop will highlight the work of the CT Department of Corrections, Court Support Services Division, and the Connecticut judicial system to end the cycle between incarceration and homelessness. This panel will feature experts from our Criminal Justice System who will share with providers the ways they can assist homeless service providers in meeting the needs of shared clients. Panelists will also discuss the challenges faced in working with various populations within the criminal justice system.
Presenters: Judge Robert Devlin, Thomas Canny,CCSD, Karl Lewis
Presentation: Working with Justice System to End Homelessness
Workshop B:
Building Partnerships with Affordable Housing
Accessing affordable options is an important part of stabilizing housing for many of the people we work with. Housing experts in this panel discussion will help educate providers regarding the landscape of affordable options, and provide insights regarding how homeless providers can build mutually beneficial relationships with those who own and manage these residential properties.
Presenters: Terry Nash, Jacqueline Figueroa, and Suzanne Piacentini
Presentation: Coming soon. Please check back at a later time.