Connecting Communities
Indigenous, community leadership on ending homelessness has emerged as a result of ten year planning processes. CCEH’s community impact team provides local and regional support to plans to end homelessness, Continua of Care and other leaders. CCEH helps to align community plans with state and federal efforts. CCEH offers proven best practices in ending homelessness, staff work directly in communities from Greater New Haven to Stamford. CCEH has formed a collective impact partnership in Fairfield County and Greater New Haven with Supportive Housing Works.
A conduit and interpreter amongst stakeholders, CCEH seeks to assure reductions in the numbers of persons experiencing homelessness; those returning to emergency shelter; and in the length of time spent in Connecticut’s shelters. Community impact aligns community strategies and implementation plans with the state and federal frameworks to end homelessness through Opening Doors Connecticut.
The team works through existing coalitions, mostly around Continua of Care (CoC) and/or Community Plans to End Homelessness. The term “CoC” refers to a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development entity or network of homeless service providers. The “continuum” includes outreach and assessment, supportive services, emergency shelter, transitional housing, permanent supportive housing, permanent housing, and community education and advocacy. Community Plans (also known as Ten Year Plans) outline key strategies in addressing homelessness locally. Find your local CoC or Community Plan representative. For more information contact Tracy Helin.
CCEH works to interpret new regulations and provide support for communities before, during, and after implementation. As HEARTH Act rules are issued, for example, we bring in experts to ensure maximum efficiencies and positive program outcomes.
CCEH works to build the individual and collective voice and leadership skills of those who have experienced homelessness. Our innovative LEAD (Leadership, Empowerment, and Advocacy Development) program, developed by CCEH staff, provides training to current or formerly homeless individuals to tap the power of sharing personal stories, become effective public speakers, and advocate for themselves and others. LEAD fosters opportunities to network and influence policy at the community and state levels.