The Homeless Response System Honors Rep. Quentin “Q” Williams

February 24, 2023

Bobbi T. Riddick
CCEH Community Impact and Equity Program Manager

Black History month is a celebration honoring all the courageous and bold leaders in our communities that have risked their lives to dismantle racism in all forms across our country. Inclusion and proper representative leadership through systemic racism was designed to exclude groundbreaking legacies in our BIOPC communities; and time and time again our community, our strength, and resilience has proven to extend beyond just one month as the fight for equitable access to resources and inclusion continues throughout the year.

“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he/she has overcome, while trying to succeed” Booker T. Washington.

Although systemic obstacles and barriers continuously confronted State Representative Quentin “Q” Williams at the very core of his mission, State Representative William stood in pride of his heritage, his community, and his family. As the co-founder and former co-director of Equity CT, Representative Williams was a dedicated leader in creating learning opportunities, building actionable understanding of equity, and strived to dismantle systemic inequities through action and civic engagement.

“He knew that being a young black man in government came with high expectations, and he internalized that into an obligation to use his platform to advocate for those who often are not heard.”

State Representative Williams was the first African American state representative ever elected in the city of Middletown and served as a resident of Middletown in the 100th District.

State Representative Williams was a fierce leader in many ways; a champion for social and racial equality, human rights, and accessible housing for all. State Representative Williams was also a dedicated supporter of youth programs that encouraged housing focused and career success. As Director of Advocacy and Policy for Excellence Community Schools, Representative Williams provided support to families through advocacy, community organizing, and strategic partnership. State Representative Williams was known for his housing focus initiatives and in 2022 authored a bill, that was successfully passed into law, which created the formation of commissions to mediate disputes between tenants and renters in all Connecticut municipalities.

On January 5, 2023, we tragically lost State Representative Quentin “Q” Williams and as our community mourns, we continue to uplift his legacy as an advocate for the community and a proper representative for our BIPOC communities.

On behalf of our Homeless Response System, State Representative Quentin “Q” Williams: Thank you. Your legacy will continue in our communities. We will continue to celebrate you not only for one month dedicated to Black History, but throughout the year and for many more legislations to come.
